Each new year, there is a fire inside each of us to bring intention and attention to areas of our lives that we’ve ignored for too long. You might be reading this because you’re one of the millions of folks who have “be more organized” as a top priority. Being organized is equal parts intention, attention, and good strategy.
No one is super human, but there are helpful things some of us do to get more done in a day or week. Though I’m a pretty organized and productive person, it’s not magic. It’s something I’ve had to learn and I am continuously working on. I’m always on the look-out for ways to Make Life Easier, more effective, and more efficient.
In truth, we all have intentions that fall short, so don’t spend time being hard on yourself. Use that energy instead to get shit done! As I’ve said before, I’m not perfect. This 1st blog post is actually an open intention from 18 months ago. Better late than never, right?
This blog will be about how Emily Makes Life Easier, for my clients, loved ones, and in my own life. I’ll share what I’m learning and what I’m working on. I want you to know about the things that seem to make an impact. The blog will occasionally showcase products that I’m testing or really love. And of course, I’ll expose some of my personal organization and productivity habits, tips, and mishaps. Even if we don’t get a chance to work together, although I hope we do, I want each post to hold a valuable nugget of useful information for you. When it does, please let me know. Better yet, let others know so they can get value out of it too!
As a productivity and home organizing consultant in San Francisco, I work closely with clients. Together we figure out the physical, digital, and human aspects that need sorting out to get their life in excellent working order. Clients share a lot about their goals, stumbles, and dreams.
People are multi-faceted. Each is a treasure waiting to be found and maybe given a careful brushing off. This is why I feel that working with people to optimize their lives is such a privilege. I love getting to know my clients. Each is amazing in their own fabulous way. I am starting this blogging thing, to change the view. To let you see into my life, and let you know me.
Before I end with the goals and habits I’m actively working on, at the start of this year, I want to be upfront about how I make a living. MLE Insights is a small business. When I share my expertise and work with others, I charge for my time. There are also a few vendors that I get a commission from when a sale goes through. I will disclose to you my relationship, if one exists at that time, when I post. If you feel my tips and recommendations are helpful to you, and you like a product, please consider supporting my small business by using the link when you purchase.
Here are my goals, areas of focus, and ever growing bucket list. If we get to meet, I hope you’ll ask me how things are going! If you’re struggling to complete your goals, check back next week as I go over SMART Goals.
Habits I’m Working On:
Singing more often. Targeting twice a week with a proper vocal warm-up. Thank you Dr. Lee Strawn for the fabulous and affordable singing courses at CCSF. Active time for this habit is about one hour per week
Removing my make-up each and every night. This habit is a strong hold over from my tomboy side. This takes about 3 minutes
Sitting and standing with “a proud chest” will be seeing Dr. Cohen more as I untangle the underlying causes. Not sure on the timeline
Remembering the power of leading by example. Lifelong habit to master
Sharing my playful/lighter side in more settings. Lifelong habit to master
Physical Goals:
10,000 steps or a workout 5 days a week
Splits in one direction by December 31st, 2018 Here’s the current state of affairs
Run Bay to Breakers (3rd year in a row!) May 2018, currently jogging a few times a week. Peak training will require about 2.75 hours per week
Business Goals:
Fill 28 seats to my Life Mapping Workshop
Draft of 1st book by end of year (outline is complete!)
Complete my mileage log on a weekly basis (not a favorite activity, and I find the mileage apps I’ve tested chew up too much battery in relation to how little I drive)
Work with 12 top producing Bay Area realtors this year. Already have some fantastic meetings scheduled!
Improve my Google search rankings by 30%. Currently 8th on Google maps and on page 9 of search results for: Professional Organizer San Francisco
Automate contact processes and enable client self-booking by July
8 move preparation or whole home organizing projects in 2018
Increase community donations by $1000
Informal, (these are half-baked goal like things I’d eventually like to do/accomplish, listed in no particular order):
Get through the alphabet in my A-Z Global Potluck group. (More on this later!)
Pull-up (can do a chin-up now, but gosh the pull-up is sooo much harder!)
Marathon (running kind, I’ve been very successful with the movie kind)
Snorkel in top places for seeing fish and marine wildlife.
Organize in each continent including Antarctica! Scientists, at McMurdo Station, if you’re reading, let’s talk about the clutter down there
Be a successful published author
Create a positive reason to be interviewed by someone noteworthy
Develop musical skills for casual social music making. Taking a music course currently
Fly a helicopter, and then decide if it’s worth the expense to get and maintain a license
Learn to ride a motorcycle. I might wait till my 50’s for this one, but only because it sounds way more badass to learn at 50 than in one’s 30s
Drive a sweet car on a racetrack with an instructor. <-To ensure I drive as fast as I’m capable of, without killing myself
African Safari
Visit all the US National Parks
Do a multiple-day round-trip sailing adventure
Learn to sail
Bicycle across the US
Complete the Appalachian trail. Section hiking it would be fine
See a narwhal
Try some kite-based sports
Camp in the snow
Try surfing
Witness the National Rodeo Finals
Have a positive impact to others around the world.
Learn to type better
Become a good storyteller
Improve my recycling/compost/trash ratios Check out Recology for info on what to do in SF with the 3 bin system
Grow my own herbs